Mumbai’s favorite sons

The Madrasi’s guide to finding a house in Aamchi Mumbai

Black & Yellow

If you’ve lived in a big, bad ‘Metropolitan’ and perhaps moreso if you’ve been a tourist, the one element you must certainly have come across is the ‘Taxi’. New York has it’s And surely Mumbai must have it’s own The Bandra here has no meaning…(If it does, I haven’t figured it out yet) Yes, the … Continue reading

How much did you say?

It’s been almost 5 months since I’ve started living alone and one of the things I’ve noticed changing is myself. Yes, the Air Conditioner is on only when it absolutely has to be. Deals are stored, restored and saved. I now have a deal from Big Bazaar which offers me a free bag of Sugar … Continue reading

Home Alone

They say ‘Staying Alone’ makes a Man into well… a ‘Man’. In my 24 years of existence, I unfortunately wasn’t bestowed upon that pleasure and the longest I ever stayed away from home was a sum total of ’14 days’. Shame on me, they would say. With me shifting to Mumbai, also came that luxury … Continue reading

Mumbai Meri Jaan

I must admit it, I was a big skeptic myself. Many a time, I would hear a colleague or a friend say, “You must experience living in Mumbai atleast once.” I would remain indifferent, most of it in my opinion was media hype the city received by virtue of it being the entertainment and commercial … Continue reading